Fat Bitch Slim: Fighting Back

Thanks to sponsors like you, we can make fat a thing of the past.

It is your unwaivering support that helps to motivate these fat bitches lacking in dietry discipline to make the much needded changes to their terrible lifestyles.

Sadly, these overindulgent fat bitches often relapse. Blaming external factors. such as stress, 3 for 2 offers on chocolate and not being able to cook.

They need support from people you like you, to remind them that a jiggly arse is great, but a belly that claps louder than the tits when riding cowgirl style is far less attractive.

Fattness is a debilitating illness that can be cured without medication, however it requires continuous management to prevent the pounds creeping back on and causing symptoms of discomfort, insecurity and loss of sexual stamina.

With your support, your adopted Fat Bitch can be successfully rehabilitated back into society.  

Whats in it for you?

Good question!

Your selected Fat Bitch, will give you regular updates, whether you require them or not. She will tell you about her road to recovery and all the pitfalls she faces on a regular basis on her quest to return to a normal healthy weight.

Your Fat Bitch will involve you regulary in naked weight training exrcise sessions. Whilst these may be grotesque and incredibly distressing in the early stages, your dedication and support will ensure that they become more appealing and physically demanding as time progresses.

Your selected Fat Bitch has also vowed to practice darts in her own time, so as to be able to become an actual darts sparring partner and not just a wobbler with annoying lucky drop-ins. There is the possibility of an actual private exclusive tournament complete with trophy - though this has yet to be confirmed

As you can see from the images here, anything is possible.

So please, help a Fat Bitch be slim.